Endorsement Ads – How to leverage it?

Does endorsement ads/commercials help a business in today’s world where videos are becoming ubiquitous?  Whereas, Modern marketing’s objective is to grab the mindshare of its audience. 


Traditional marketing is about paid ads and making sales. The more they make the ads, the more the sales – a simple formula. Even when the percentage of sales through the ads were negligible, people put significant effort into improvising the numbers in 2 ways.


Let’s say an ad gets one conversion out of 100 views, and if they have to sell 1000 units per month, they just have to make sure the ad is viewed 100000 times. It may be a horrible calculation but this is how it works. 


The second approach, amplifying the ads/commercials with endorsement by stars even when it has contributed anything at all. Their idea is to make the 1 out of 100 become 1 out of 80/70.


Many times, they have no connection at all to the product in the first place.


How to leverage endorsement ads?


It does get them an initial spike in marketing. Even, if, there was any connection between the product and the brand ambassador, it doesn’t help them get anything more than that.


As we have seen above, modern marketing’s objective is to grab your audience’s mindshare much ahead in time, so that when the audience is ready to buy, your brand is on top of their mind.


This means 2 things, mindshare grabbing activity can happen through your content (It cannot be attained through paid ads). And this activity should be far ahead of time, see it as priming your audience. Which means you will not be able to see any instant results, no overnight winning cups and the results are only in the long term. 


But how about leveraging the instant spike into a meaningful one, which contributes to your sales, not just traffic? Let us call it a sustainable approach.


In order to convert any kind of instant spikes(endorsement campaigns, massive online ad campaigns) to a meaningful one, a business needs to build its content repository and direct the traffic to its content repository. The content repository then does its job to educate your audience about the problem it solves, how it can be valuable to your audience and more and then the conversion happens. 



Your content repository can be anything or mixed of few or all from the below,

  • Blogsite
  • Video channel
  • Ebooks
  • Slideshows

(Above list is not exhaustive)


Here is a complete tangential approach towards marketing their tyres.


The successful character of any modern marketing is their content repository being regular and helpful to the audience.


In summary,

  • Deliberately allocate resources, build a team to create content inhouse or outsource the creation part and oversee it
  • Focus on fewer platforms to distribute your content, when you start. 
  • Your endorsement campaigns and or paid online campaigns shall be continued and directed to your content repository. (optional)
  • Your content is your brand’s marketing asset base that gets built and drives traffic over time.
  • The key is starting it earlier and accumulating it.


Educating your audience is a big thing in modern marketing. Not pitching, not selling – just helpful content to your audience where your product plays a subtle role. 


Talk to us to build your brand video channel.


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