Why the ideal real estate project launch needs to be changed?

The moment a real estate project launch kicks off, the promotions for it start as well. Here’s how it goes,


  1. Full-page newspaper ads often on 2 pages, 4 pages, sometimes on 8 pages on multiple dailies across the region or city at the least.
  2. Isolated massive OOH campaigns.
  3. Continuous digital ads on platforms like Google, YouTube, Instagram, etc.
  4. On top of all, buy leads from aggregator platforms and other agencies often at a higher price.


Point 4 is proof that 1, 2 & 3 are not working. 


All of the above are paid media and if we spend some time to put it all together, the resulting amount would be insanely high thus will have a higher CAC. 


To read more about paid media and why people go madly behind it, read my earlier blog post here.


Marketing functions best when it’s a cohesive, strategic, thought thorough process.

by Rand Fishkin


How to make cohesive campaigns and who does it well? – None other than apple.

Though, making paid media alone cohesive is a costly affair.

Here’s how marketing works in the digital world, ideally:

Progression chart of Digital marketing


In the above progression chart, 4 & 5 can be swapped but 5 cannot come before 3. But that is exactly what is being followed by the real estate companies. 


Note: There are companies that skip creating content, but rely on PR activities and paid campaigns – it is alright. Some industries cannot create content, at least they think so. The reality is any industry can create content and reduce its CAC.


Because of completely skipping the awareness part through Owned media, real estate companies end up spending a lot in converting the paid leads as well. Their leads have to be contacted, answered, followed up till they get the advance payment. I would say, real estate companies alone can have the luxury to spend this much in converting. This is the very reason why real estate project launch needs to be changed for good.


Let’s talk about some concerns surrounding creating content.

  1. Content creation is not for my industry
  2. Content creation is not easy
  3. Content creation doesn’t bring business
  4. I don’t know how to create content


Let me make some clarifications here. Anything from the below list is content.

  • Blog posts
  • Infographics
  • Videos
  • White paper
  • Ebook
  • Podcasts


Create quality content consistently. Things will fall in place naturally.

Though the above are different content formats, the general inclination to consume content is towards audiovisual – content preferences report says.

Let me address the common concerns I’ve mentioned above.


1. Content creation is not for my industry

The truth is any industry can create content. For example, I’m going to take a brand from an uncommon industry and share what they do with their brand video channel.

A timber log manufacturing company, Vaagen Brothers Lumber.

Anyone will immediately think that what is there to share from a wooden log manufacturing company. They share their afforestation plans, their process of making timber, few commercials, stories about their factory, staff, and so on. Of course, there’s scope to improve their channel.

Vaagen brother video channel

If a timber log manufacturing company can make content regularly and create awareness through videos, what is stopping you from creating videos? Of course, the timber industry is no less than any other industry. My only point is you can create a lot of content than you think you can. 


2. Content creation is not easy

Nobody said it’s easy, but creating content is one sure-shot way to build your business in the digital world. Nowadays there are proficient agencies that help you address this part. In fact, outsourcing content creation to a competent agency could be the best decision – Rand Fishkin says.


3. Content creation doesn’t bring business

This is one of the most common things we hear. Content creation is a long-term game, if you are looking for instant results, you may not get it. In fact, nothing much will bring results instantly in marketing. We have addressed that part above. 

Content is a way to constantly educate your target audience. Your content is your digital asset which is going to work for you for a longer period of time.

We KNOW that it works for us, no matter what those “isolated” numbers say.

Tim Soulo – CMO of Ahrefs


When you research and publish articles/videos which help your target audience in one or the other way, you will surely get qualified leads. 


4. I don’t know how to create content

Now, this seems to be a real problem, what exactly this means is, many don’t know where to start. It is certainly advisable to go ahead with a plan, and tweak as and when needed. 

What I’d say is, don’t think a lot at least to start. First, start and fine-tune as you make progress. You can’t get 10K or 10 million subscribers for your channel by postponing the plan altogether.

Creating quality, engaging videos is definitely not easy but completely worth it and that is when you can build your growth on top of it.


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